Sylvan Lake Lutheran Bible Camp Association

Annual General Meeting

The AGM of Sylvan Lake Lutheran Bible Camp Association will be

March 29, 2025 at 2:30pm

in-person at Kuriakos and online.

Register to Attend

Kuriakos is built by its community.

Membership is open to Lutheran, Anglican, and Moravian congregations in Alberta.

Every member and partner congregation is entitled to send 1 delegate for every 100 congregation members.

After the meeting, we'll have supper at 5:30pm, followed by games.

Then stay the night in the Kuriakos Centre, and we'll have a light continental breakfast available in the morning.

Sunday worship options include

  • 9am at Faith Lutheran in Sylvan Lake
  • 10:30am at Good Shepherd or Mount Calvary in Red Deer
  • 5pm Holden Evening Prayer at Grace Lutheran north of the lake.

SLLBCA membership

Sylvan Lake Lutheran Bible Camp Association is owned by member and partner congregations. Membership is open to Lutheran, Anglican, and Moravian congregations throughout Alberta. Through our programming and facilities, we hope to serve and support congregational ministry.

Renew your membership

by making a donation to Kuriakos.

Bylaws Article IV.  MEMBERSHIP

  1. Membership shall be open to any Lutheran, Anglican, or Moravian congregation in Alberta that requests membership in the Association and pays the required annual membership fee.
  2. Membership shall be valid for the calendar year for which the membership is paid and for a grace period extending up to the Annual Meeting in the following calendar year.
  3. The membership fee shall be determined from time to time by the members at a legally called meeting of the Association.
  4. Membership responsibilities shall consist of encouraging individual and group

                    - Participation in the work and program of the Association.

                    - Participation in the improvement of the facilities of the Association and

                    - Financial support of the Association on a regular basis

Congregations also support the camp by advertising camp programs, sending campers, renting the camp for congregational events, making donations, encouraging volunteers to serve, and through prayer.

Partnership - $100

includes Membership benefits, plus

  • 1 leader/8 students attends Confirmation Retreats free of charge
  • Encouraged to "fill a cabin" at Work Weekends (send a family or two to help us out)
  • Propose a project for a Kuriakos Service Team (2 camp staff in your congregation for a week)
  • Host a Day Camp or VBS for your community, with staff and planning from the Kuriakos team
  • Your pastor is invited for a free weekday retreat in Dana Lodge

Membership - $25

  • Voting representative(s) at the AGM
  • Pastors attend camp programs free of charge
  • Host a Camp Sunday worship service - staff and volunteers can help plan and lead!

Partner Congregations

  • Advent Lutheran Church (Calgary)
  • Alberta Synod ELCIC
  • All Saints Lutheran Church (Calgary)
  • Bethel Lutheran Church (Sherwood Park)
  • Faith Lutheran Church (Sylvan Lake)
  • Faith Lutheran Church (Sundre)
  • Grace Lutheran Church (Bentley)
  • Grace Lutheran Church (Drumheller)
  • Holy Spirit Lutheran Church (Edmonton)
  • Hope Lutheran Church (Calgary)
  • King of Kings Lutheran Church (Spruceview)
  • Lutheran Church of Our Saviour (Calgary)
  • Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd (Red Deer)
  • Lutheran Church of the Master (Airdrie)
  • Mount Calvary Lutheran Church (Red Deer)
  • Our Savior's Community Lutheran Church (Hussar)
  • Peace Lutheran Church (Innisfail)
  • Prince of Faith (Calgary)
  • St. Paul's Lutheran Church (Olds)

as of January 20, 2025

Member Congregations

  • Holy Cross Lutheran Church (Okotoks)
  • Hosanna Lutheran Church (Edmonton)
  • Immanuel Lutheran Church (Lethbridge)

as of January 20, 2025