
Join our Association

Membership in Sylvan Lake Lutheran Bible Camp Association (Kuriakos) is open to all Lutheran, Anglican, and Moravian congregations in Alberta.

We believe strongly in the value of partnerships in ministry. We look forward to working together to build up our communities.

Visit our ASSOCIATION page for more information about Kuriakos.

Congregational Staff Retreat

May 13 at Kuriakos

This is for anyone who works at a church, whether as a pastor, an office administrator, or something else!

Come join us for a day out of the office where you can connect with staff from other congregations. In the morning, you will learn about effective communication and conflict resolution strategies with our speaker, Angela Chytracek.

Then, after lunch, there will be some breakout sessions and conversations.

"Camp Sunday" Worship Service

Include Kuriakos in your worship! Congregations are invited to host a "Camp Sunday" in support of our partnership in ministry.

Resources for your Congregation

Kuriakos provides programs for all ages in your congregation, at our facilities on Sylvan Lake or in your church.

Please share this information with your congregation
You'll find slides, bulletin text, posters, brochures

Your congregation is also invited to join our SHOUT OUT Team.

How we work together

We believe the seed of faith is planted by the Spirit. The same Spirit continues to nurture that faith through a variety of ways. The soil of family provides richness for roots to be securely planted, a firm foundation for growth. Congregations provide nourishment, with regular watering, and by helping to keep plants turned toward the sun. Outdoor ministry provides those days of extra sunshine that we all need. A touch of the extra-ordinary, which brings inspiration to grow in our every day lives.  

Research has shown that an overwhelming majority of leaders in the church, both clergy and lay, have had significant experiences though outdoor ministry programs. Each year, Kuriakos provides leadership training, and an opportunity to practice Christian servant leadership, for close to 100 people between the ages of 14 and 25. 
Young leaders trained at camp need somewhere to serve all year long. Is your congregation ready to help them serve?
Do you know of teens or young adults hungry to put their faith into action? Encourage them to consider serving at Kuriakos as volunteers and staff.

In the camp setting, people live together, play together, and worship together as a community. New friendships form, old friendships deepen, and intergenerational relationships are fostered at camp, which can bring greater richness to your congregation.
Consider hosting a retreat for your congregation at Kuriakos.
Encourage your council, bible study, men's, women's, confirmation, youth, or kids group to attend a camp program together. 

We all know that new situations can be intimidating. Churches can be scary for those who are not familiar with the traditions and practices. Camp is often a great way to introduce people to Christian community and the Gospel message.  Many people who come to camp do not have a congregational home, but they leave camp hungry for more. 
Consider sending members of your community to camp, or invite them to come with you!
Is your congregation interested in working with new people who have had their faith ignited or rekindled through an experience at Kuriakos? Let us know how they can connect with you.

More and more, people are looking for a place to exercise their faith. At camp, we emphasize the calling God places on each of our lives to live and serve in community. We are never saved because of our works, but rather the desire to serve comes in response to God's work in us. We have been restored through Christ, and called to work for restoration in the world.
Considering a local service project? Consider serving through Kuriakos. Many groups donate their time at camp, make auction items or assist with camp mailouts as a way of giving back.

Are you interested in working with Kuriakos on a specific project? Please let us know. We are always looking for ways we can support each other.