Kids' + Youth Programs


Camp's more than just fun! It's about our values of Belonging, Growth, and Togetherness (and Adventure!).

A week of camp teaches skills that are essential for life and provides experiences that you won't find anywhere else.

For more research on the value of camp, visit the Effective Camp Study.

The classic summer camp experience - Kuriakos style. With a focus on relationships, and our values of Belonging, Growth, and Togetherness, our summer camps are sure to have an impact on your camper for years to come. Whether it's learning new skills, making friends, growing in faith, or spending time outside, there's always something positive happening at summer camp.



  • We've always been committed to fostering a sense of community and personal growth. This summer, we have a new way for local families to attend camp... for our Day Camp!

    The program promises a blend of adventure, learning, and spiritual growth, in line with our values of belonging, growth, and togetherness. Activities are designed to be engaging and fun, while also providing valuable life skills and the opportunity for children to explore their faith in a supportive environment.

    Program includes daily lunch and snack.

  • Their first full week at camp! An experience like no other for kids: canoeing, swimming, games, climbing wall, and many more activities. Learning about nature, God, and each other in an open environment where questions can be asked and fun will be had!

    These campers will participate in worship, campfire and meals with the whole camp community, and split off into smaller villages (made up of 2 cabin groups) for activities, Quest (Bible Study) and sleeping times. Our cabin leaders focus on fun, safety and building relationships with each camper in their care.


  • A great first time camp for kids who haven't been away from home before!  Small cabin groups mean lots of one-on-one attention from staff. Kids get to spend lots of time in the outdoors doing new fun activities.

    Mini campers are welcomed into the community by the Kids Campers who have been at Kuriakos all week. They join in worship, meals and campfire times with the older kids, while having a smaller group closer to their age for activities, Quest (Bible Study) and sleeping.


  • An experience like no other for kids! Canoeing, swimming, games, climbing wall, and many more activities. Learning about nature, God, and each other in an open environment where questions can be asked and fun will be had!

    These campers will participate in worship, campfire and meals with the whole camp community, and split off into smaller villages (made up of 2 cabin groups) for activities, Quest (Bible Study) and sleeping times. Our cabin leaders focus on fun, safety and building relationships with each camper in their care.


  • Skills campers register for a specific skill set, and spend time focusing on that area during their daily activity times. Of course, they still get times to enjoy all the regular camp activities like waterfront, Quest (Bible Study), campfire and worship. Skills campers will build two sets of friends: their cabin group and their skill group. Cabin groups may be made up of campers from all 3 skill focuses.

    MUSIC and DRAMA  |  Ages 8-16

    Talented directors Pete and Josanna Justine will lead campers through the creative challenge of learning a musical production in just one week. Camper talents will be showcased at a performance for parents right before pick-up on Friday. The production may also be shared virtually for family and friends to watch.

    SPORTS  |  Ages 10-14

    Ready to improve your fitness and skills? Sports Camp will give you an opportunity to practice a variety of sports, and discover team-work in a welcoming community. Awards of Achievement will be sent home after their week at camp. Summer staff and special guests will lead campers through activities such as soccer, baskteball, karate, wall climbing, football, archery and more. Actual activites will depend on the skills and availability of instructors.

    PHOTOGRAPHY  |  Ages 12-16

    Get ready to learn about light composition, subject placement, filtering, focus and many more skills. All campers will have a chance to try out their skills on the camp's digital SLR, but should bring their own camera (film, digital, SLR, point-and-shoot, disposable) to get as much shooting time in as possible. 


Summer Youth Camps

  • Spend a week at the lake meeting new friends and getting out into nature. Explore new activities and skills, dive deeper into Bible Studies and understand your faith, develop leadership skills through worship and activities.

    Plus: attend Senior Youth and come back the next week for LIT Week for FREE!


  • Meet new friends while spending time at the lake this summer! Canoeing, climbing wall, high ropes, archery, and many more activities. Spend some time away from technology and closer to those around you. Your week at camp will be the best of the summer!


  • LIT week is packed ful of fun, friendship and learning. LITs will develop skills they can use as volunteers at camp, as well as in other areas of their lives. Emergency First Aid certification, discipleship training, leadership skills and group development are important aspects of this week. 

    Learn More

  • Skills campers register for a specific skill set, and spend time focusing on that area during their daily activity times. Of course, they still get times to enjoy all the regular camp activities like waterfront, Quest (Bible Study), campfire and worship. Skills campers will build two sets of friends: their cabin group and their skill group. Cabin groups may be made up of campers from all 3 skill focuses.

    MUSIC and DRAMA  |  Ages 8-16

    Talented directors Pete and Josanna Justine will lead campers through the creative challenge of learning a musical production in just one week. Camper talents will be showcased at a performance for parents right before pick-up on Friday. The production may also be shared virtually for family and friends to watch.

    SPORTS  |  Ages 10-14

    Ready to improve your fitness and skills? Sports Camp will give you an opportunity to practice a variety of sports, and discover team-work in a welcoming community. Awards of Achievement will be sent home after their week at camp. Summer staff and special guests will lead campers through activities such as soccer, baskteball, karate, wall climbing, football, archery and more. Actual activites will depend on the skills and availability of instructors.

    PHOTOGRAPHY  |  Ages 8-16

    Get ready to learn about light composition, subject placement, filtering, focus and many more skills. All campers will have a chance to try out their skills on the camp's digital SLR, but should bring their own camera (film, digital, SLR, point-and-shoot, disposable) to get as much shooting time in as possible. 



  • Want to learn more about nature? Spend a week cooking, sleeping, playing games, singing songs, canoeing, archery and much more all in the woods! You will get to grow close to a small community for a whole week.

    Includes a Day Trip on the lake!


  • Canoeing, archery, initiatives, star gazing, swimming, kayaking, sauna-ing, exploring the forest- what's not to love? Sign up for an adventure with trained staff and an awesome group of people as you learn more about nature, yourself, and God.

    Includes an overnight canoe trip on the lake!



Confirmation Retreats

Arrival: 8-8:30pm on Friday

Departure: Noon on Sunday      Worship: 10am on Sunday

Fall              Nov 22-24, 2024 ($125+gst)

Winter       January 31- February 2, 2025 ($TBA)

Bring your confirmation class or youth group together during one of these dynamic weekends.  Leaders come prepared to lead their group in 4 hour-long sessions on Saturday. Camp staff provide leadership for games, devotions, worship, activities, and everything else throughout the weekend.

Registration must be completed through your church, which will provide you with a Group Registration ID.

Program, schedule, payment, and packing information

LEADERS! Click HERE to tell us you're interested in bringing your class.