Did you know that the number one factor in choosing a camp is a recommendation from a friend?  

We will keep doing all we can, but nothing can beat a personal invitation.  

Thanks for being part of the team.

We're inviting you or someone in your congregation or community to become a Kuriakos SHOUT OUT Team Member. Team Members serve as our main contact, spreading the word about Kuriakos within their community. We provide Team Members with materials and training to fulfill their role - you provide the enthusiasm and love of camp.

Access the SHOUT OUT tools and information HERE

You know your church best, so what you do within this role will be tailored to you

Here's a bit of what ambassadors can do...
Tell stories about camp
Give announcement blurbs

Put camp info in bulletin/newsletter insert
Show a camp video
Put a link to our website on your congregational website, or share camp on Facebook
Share new programming and facility development

Invite Kuriakos Staff to help with youth night
Volunteer as a congregation or raise funds for Kuriakos
Host a S'MORE party

SHOUTing OUT as a family? Take advantage of our SHOUT OUT discounts.

View our SHOUT OUT Archive