Kuriakos is a community set apart where all people belong and grow together in God's love.


Alive in God's grace, Kuriakos strives to be a welcoming community where all people are invited to belong, grow, and be together in creation. 

Rooted in Lutheran Theology, Kuriakos enacts this community through year round camp programming, outdoor school, local community engagement, online faith learning, and youth leadership training. We equip our community members to serve at Kuriakos and at home.


our Values

Belonging - Kuriakos is a community where all people are welcomed

with the unconditional love of Jesus. 


Growth - Kuriakos is a community where all people can experience personal and spiritual growth

in relationship with God and creation.


Togetherness - Kuriakos invites all people into community and nurtures relationships

as guided by the Spirit.



"And you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ"

- Romans 1:6

We are created and accepted by God.

We are each a key part of the camp community. Our staff work to ensure every camper is safe to be in this place, while practicing and teaching hospitality and grace.

Camp is about meeting new people and learning how to make friends. And how to be a friend.


Instead, speaking the truth in love, we grow up into Him who is the Head, that is Christ. From Him, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

- Ephesians 4:15-16

Through learning the Christian story, we grow in relationship with God, self, and creation.

Through challenge and fun, campers grow spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Camp is about trying new things and learning how to succeed. And how to try again.


For we are God's workers; you are God's field, God's building.

- 1 Corinthians 3:9

We live our best life in relationship with God.

We live our best life in relationship with each other.

Camp is about joining a community and drawing support from others. And giving back.

Camp Culture

In all our decisions, from program to property, staffing to marketing, we ask ourselves "does what I'm doing foster belonging, growth and relationship?" If it doesn't do those things, we stop doing it. These are the most crucial aspects of camp life that our campers have loved about Kuriakos for 90 years. We believe this is the type of community God is calling us to be, and we think this is what people today need in order to know abundant life. Through challenge courses and meal service, worship time or waterfights, God speaks in this place, drawing his people in close and sparking imagination for the future.