Kuriakos Board of Directors

Directors of Sylvan Lake Lutheran Bible Camp Association

A group of dedicated volunteers is responsible for the governance of Kuriakos.

The Board of Directors meets every other month to discuss and make decisions about this ministry. 
Board members serve three-year terms. Each Board member also serves as part of a management committee.



Rev. Phil Penrod, Beaumont

Vice Chairperson

Leah Wetter, Calgary


Ben Ledene, Calgary


Michael Gillingham, Sherwood Park

Governance Committee

Michael Gillingham (as Secretary of the Board)

Rev. Doug Heine, Hinton

Rev. Matt Gillard, Hanna

Vision Committee

Leah Wetter (as Vice Chairperson of the Board)

Kurt Hanson, Calgary

Gabby Laughland (Sarafinchan), Edmonton

Stewardship Committee

Ben Ledene (as Treasurer of the Board)

(2 vacant Board positions)

Currently staffed by our Treasurer and non-board volunteers

Board Meetings

Regular Board meetings are open to the public as observers, unless an in-camera session has been called. Participation of visitors in discussions may be permitted at the discretion of the Chair.

Please contact the office if you are interested in attending. Attendance is often available online.

Annual Meeting Dates (general schedule, visit the Calendar for current plan)

First Saturday of May - Board Retreat at Kuriakos (Training Event)

First Saturday of June - online

First Saturday of October - Board Retreat at Kuriakos (Strategic Planning)

First Saturday of December - online

First Saturday of February - online

Last Saturday of March - AGM in Red Deer and online

Committees of the Board

Board members each sit on a committee, as do additional members of the Kuriakos community.

We welcome volunteers who would like to offer skills and direction in particular areas.

  • Governance Committee

    Responsible for Board and Camp operations, policies, and leadership.

    Graham Kopjar (chair), Dave Christiansen, Heather Skochylas, Rev. Doug Heine, Rev. Matt Gillard

  • Stewardship Committee

    Responsible for stewardship of resources, including financial oversight, facility management, and environmental concerns.

    Ron Bjorge (Chair), Ben Ledene, Chris Gillanders, Jesse Christiansen

  • Vision Committee

    Responsible for strategic planning, direction, and programming.

    Leah Wetter (Chair), Carmen Beck, Chris Gillanders, Jesse Christiansen, Gabby Laughland

  • Executive Committee

    Made up of the Chairperson, Vicechairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Board, the Executive Committee fulfills the Personnel functions of the Board in relation to the Executive Director, and can act on behalf of the Board between Board Meetings.