Sept 30 National Day for Truth & Reconciliation - Focus on First Nations through our activities (Canoeing, Archery, Outdoor Cooking...)
Oct 28 Climbing Wall, Giant's Ladder, Knot Tying
Nov 25 Orienteering, Firebuilding, Shelter Building
Jan 27 Winter Warmth & Safety, Snowshoeing
Feb 24 Snowshoeing, Fire Building, Orienteering
Mar 31 Leave-No-Trace, Knot Tying, Shelter Building
May 5 *note the special date this month*
Climbing Wall, Campskills, Challenge Course
May 26 Canoeing, Orienteering, Archery
Jun 23 *note the special date this month*
Canoeing, Climbing Wall, Field Games
*Activities subject to change due to staff availability, participant interest, group size and weather.
*Basic First Aid Option may be available for students aged 12 and up. Please email kendra@kuriakos.ab.ca if interested. Certification requires attendance at two homeschool days, where the full day will be spent on First Aid Training, as well as successful completion of the course content and exam. Additional fee of $40 (charged as $20 each month).