Leadership. It's useful everywhere. At church, at school, and, yes, at
camp. At your age, it's what everyone's talking about. But how can
you gain the experience they're looking for? Join us for a week of camp,
including an overnight adventure,and have fun with your peers while
learning servant
leader skills that are useful wherever you go... including volunteering
as a SIT or STAND.
lots of training, learning, growing and playing together. LIT prepares
youth for leadership at camp, at church, at school and beyond. Register your 14-18 year old now! This is a chance for teens to learn leadership skills, have fun and connect with Kuriakos.
This full week program is free if you are also registered for another summer program.
This leadership training course is
designed for young leaders in every community. Enjoy a week at camp
while learning key skills for personal growth. We will cover leadership
topics relevant to both camp and home.
Ready to learn something new? LIT Week includes certifications (Emergency First-Aid), as well as an overnight canoe trip. Develop your camping skills, practice working in groups, and apply them this summer as a SIT or STAND.
Successful "graduates" will receive a certificate... and can volunteer with us in the summer!
This program is a prerequisite for all first-time youth volunteers. But, since you never stop learning, it's also a great opportunity for
all returning volunteers and anyone else between 14 and 18.