Welcome to

Kuriakos Outdoor School

Kuriakos Outdoor School provides exciting educational programming for all age groups

Why Outdoor School?  Check out THIS VIDEO of some of our past teachers and participants.

We work with teachers and leaders to create a retreat experience that meets the goals of your group and the outcomes of curriculum.  Activities are challenging, engaging, experiential, and fun!

Kuriakos will provide all of the programming and meals during your stay.

Christian and Catholic Schools - Many of these activities can be facilitated to encourage growth in the student's faith.

If you would like to include christian spiritual formation in your KOS event, please talk to us.

Ready to get started? 

Fill out the Kuriakos Outdoor School Inquiry Form.

Program Options

Customized programming is available September to October, May to June, and throughout the year upon request

  • Overnight Programs

    $140/student for 1 night

    $240/student for 2 nights

    *minimum 15 students

    Kuriakos provides

    • Customized programming to meet your goals
    • Experienced and qualified staff
    • Accommodations and meals

    Schools provide

    • Male and female chaperones (1 per 8 students or according to school policy)
    • Night-time supervision (1 chaperone in each sleeping area)
    • Transportation
    • Communication with parents about camp

    Students provide

    • Bedding, towels, personal items, clothing, bugspray, sunscreen, smiles...
  • Day Programs


    *minimum 15 students

    • Up to 5 hours of activity programming.
    • Teachers and supervisors are included free of charge.
    • Snacks are included, but please bring a bag lunch. Lunch can be provided for an additional fee.

Planning Resources

Haven't done something like this before? We have!
Our staff are happy to work with you and your students to ensure a successful trip. As well, we can provide resources or staff for a parent information night prior to your camp experience.

Download our TEACHER GUIDE


Contact us at kendra@kuriakos.ab.ca or 403-746-2702. We'd love to talk to you!

Choose your Activities!

Kuriakos Outdoor School offers a variety of activities that will meet your objectives and your students' interests. Lesson Plans have been put together using Alberta curriculum guides.

Teachers may also choose to present their own material during the activity times.
Activities are facilitated by trained and certified instructors.

  • Canoeing and paddle Canada Certification

    Our Paddle Canada instructors can help your students build confidence and skill on the water. Curriculum includes safety requirements, specific strokes for maneuvering the boat, and games. Choose the canoe trip, and we'll fill two activity blocks with a voyage across the lake!

    With a minimum of 8 hours, participants can achieve Paddle Canada Intro Lake Canoe certification.

    Longer canoe trips (including overnight) may be available for groups up to 20 students.

  • First Aid Certification

    Besides being helpful in emergencies, First Aid certification is an excellent addition to a resume.

    Emergency First Aid - 8 hrs

    Standard First Aid - 16 hrs

    Certification provided through the Lifesaving Society.

  • Climbing Wall or Giant Ladder

    Visit our climbing tower and pick out some challenging routes, or work together to get your friends to the top of the giant ladder.

  • Predator - Prey

    Students spend time in the forest, simulating and experiencing food chains. Learn first-hand the strategies used by predators or prey, and reflect on the role of each in the larger ecosystem. Fun for teachers as well - come chase your students!

  • Fire-building and Outdoor Cooking

    Practice chopping wood, preparing shavings, and building fires (age depending!).  Then, enjoy the results of your work by cooking bannock, orange cakes, s'mores, or supper!

  • Archery

    Try your hand at archery under the supervision of trained staff.

  • Knots and Shelters

    Learn to tie some useful knots (we're fans of bowlines and half hitches!), and use them to create some shelters.  If you're keen, you could even sleep in them!

  • Navigation and Orienteering

    Using our compasses and GPS units, learn some basic map-reading and navigation skills... and put them to use by making a scavenger hunt for the next group.

  • Wilderness Site

    use two activity blocks to walk 20 minutes to our wilderness site

    Nothing says adventure quite like a trip to the Wilderness Site!  Many of our survival/outdoor skills can be taught out here, where it feels much more authentic.

  • Leave No Trace

    Outdoor ethics are an important part of learning to interact with the natural world. These 7 principles can be found at leavenotrace.ca

  • Winter Activities

    Snowshoes, Quinzhee-Building, Camp Curling, Skating, Tobogganing...

    The fun isn't only in the summer.  We have 30 pairs of snowshoes, a beautiful skating rink, and skills for winter camping.

  • High Ropes Course

    This activity is open to ages 12+

    Climb 30 feet into the air, then cross the balance beam, swing on some jungle vines, or jump off the pole.

  • Low Ropes and Bouldering Wall

    Scale a wall, cross a 'river', find your way through a spider web, or balance a tipping ship... all with the help of your teamates!
    These areas offer team-building and problem-solving tasks for groups of all sizes and ages.

  • Waterfront

    Swimming, sauna, boats...

    Check out our lakefront!  We offer paddling lessons or free time in the lake.  Try out a mud mask and yoga in the sauna, or jump off our inflatable Avalanche.  Our staff have National Lifeguard and Paddle Alberta Flatwater Canoe Instructor certifications.

  • Games and Crafts

    Theme Meals, Wide Games, Gymnasium, Games Courts, Ping Pong...

    Or, we'll come up with our own activities.  We have a fully stocked gymnasium, outdoor basketball, soccer, and volleyball, and craft and costume cupboards full of fun ideas.

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