Congregational Day Camps

For Kuriakos' on-site Day Camp see /programs/kids-youth

We'll come to you! Kuriakos offers Day Camp programs in partnership with your congregation.

Kuriakos has always been a part of the larger ministry of the Church. We're excited to offer local programs, to bring camp to kids and kids to church.

Through camp, kids can discover Belonging, Growth, and Togetherness, in themselves, in their community, and in their faith.

This is a 4-5 day camp program, from 9am-3:30pm, or tailored to the needs of your community. We can host it at your church, or in a local park or community centre.

Kuriakos Provides

  • A fun-filled program complete with Bible Studies, crafts, games, and local field trips.
  • Supplies for activities
  • A team of 3 trained staff members
  • 2-hour volunteer training session
  • Marketing materials (posters, registration forms...)
  • Online registration

You provide

  • A coordinator to be in contact with us
  • 1 volunteer for every 10 campers
  • A snack each day
  • Families to billet our staff
  • Promotion

sign me up!

This is on a cost-recovery basis, as part of our mutual ministry.

Our cost for staffing and transportation is $3000+gst. We recommend charging $50-$75/camper, with your congregation subsidizing or keeping the balance.

Involve your congregation, and sponsor local kids to attend!

Find more information in our Day Camp FAQs


Contact us, and we can get things started.